Karczma Polish Restaurant in Brooklyn, New York

Karczma is located in the heart of Greenpoint, [amazon_textlink asin=’1510725059′ text=’Brooklyn’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’theyums-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’1ba3d8df-9a4a-11e8-8ed4-e1181bc91a2e’], where traditional [amazon_textlink asin=’1510702199′ text=’Polish food’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’theyums-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’596c5761-9a4a-11e8-88ae-ff17ad785a2d’] is easy to find. After all, the neighborhood is primarily populated by long-standing residents of Polish heritage and recent transplants that have moved to the borough to enjoy its clean, […]

Karczma Polish Restaurant in Brooklyn, New York