
Visitors to Japan often have a list of foods they want to try during their travel in this culinary heaven. And while Sushi and Ramen often make the top of the list, Udon shouldn’t be forgotten.

Taniya Udon Restaurant in the Heart of Tokyo, Japan

Visitors to [amazon_textlink asin=’1465457194′ text=’Japan’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’theyums-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’043b3c2b-48a3-11e8-a922-dbf66c4e59fe’] often have a list of foods they want to try during their travel in this culinary heaven. And while [amazon_textlink asin=’1623155975′ text=’Sushi’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’theyums-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’1fbb5625-48a3-11e8-8798-c58347fe4f5e’] and Ramen often make the top of the list, [amazon_textlink asin=’1482357410′ text=’Udon’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’theyums-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’3cfc3288-48a3-11e8-966c-ed5d75498f4f’] shouldn’t be forgotten. These

Taniya Udon Restaurant in the Heart of Tokyo, Japan Read More »

Kirin and Kushikatsu at Oyaji no Kushiya Shinsekai Main Store in Osaka Japan

Kirin and Kushikatsu at Oyaji no Kushiya Shinsekai Main Store in Osaka Japan

In Osaka, Japan, the reggae music fills my ears while a Volkswagen van sits in plain view in the middle of the room. It’s a contrast to my senses as me and my traveling companions share Kirin draft beer and Kushikatsu (skewers) of deep fried goodies at Oyaji no Kushiya Shinsekai Main Store. Location: 2-4-14

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Sufra Restaurant Traditional Middle Eastern Cuisine in Amman Jordan - Mixed Grill Platter

Sufra Restaurant Traditional Middle Eastern Cuisine in Amman Jordan

The aroma of traditional [amazon_textlink asin=’0375405062′ text=’Jordanian cuisine’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’theyums-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’404a8479-c4a6-11e7-a7b2-fb58ab2f30d1′] fills the air as my mouth waters in anticipation at Sufra Restaurant on Rainbow Street in Amman Jordan. As the menu says “Sufra captures the spirit of the Jordanian palette and the hospitality of its people.” Menu: Serving a wide range of traditional

Sufra Restaurant Traditional Middle Eastern Cuisine in Amman Jordan Read More »

Lunch Buffet at Nasi Kandar D’Tas Maju, Cyberjaya

Cyberjaya, located between Kuala Lumpur City Center and the airport is striving to be the Silicon Valley of Malaysia. With the area rapidly expanding alongside the twin sister city, Putrajaya (the administrative capital of [easyazon_link identifier=”1465440054″ locale=”US” tag=”theyum-20″]Malaysia[/easyazon_link]), more and more people are heading to live, work, and explore this planned city. As a result, new

Lunch Buffet at Nasi Kandar D’Tas Maju, Cyberjaya Read More »