A pile of crispy fried chicken at Mama Dip's Kitchen, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Real Southern Comfort at Mama Dip’s Kitchen, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Just a short walk from [amazon_textlink asin=’B00V6KH6D2′ text=’Chapel Hill’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’theyums-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’9fb64e7c-a795-11e7-91a5-2bb75a335cf5′], North Carolina’s pretty downtown is an institution. Mama Dip’s Kitchen is where locals flock, college students bring out-of-town family, and tourists throng to feast on genuine home-style southern cooking. Think fried chicken, BBQ pork, fried green tomatoes, mac ’n’ cheese, [amazon_textlink asin=’B00D9WUHTU’ […]

Real Southern Comfort at Mama Dip’s Kitchen, Chapel Hill, North Carolina Read More »