
Burger Study-Back to School in Downtown Indianapolis

Burger Study is the casual companion to the Indianapolis icon, St. Elmo’s. Opened just around the corner from St. Elmo’s in 2017, the collegiate theme fits perfectly in downtown [amazon_textlink asin=’076275673X’ text=’Indianapolis’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’theyums-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’3722d594-5839-11e8-98a3-f764cb703069′], home of the NCAA Hall of Champions and host to many collegiate and professional sporting events. Whether you find

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Public Greens Urban Kitchen in Indianapolis, Indiana

Imagine being able to watch your dinner grow as you enter the restaurant. This is how it works at Public Greens Urban Kitchen in Indianapolis, Indiana. The restaurant employs a dedicated farmer to cultivate the block long urban garden of crops and edible flowers along Indy’s Monon Trail. Even better, the profits from every bite you

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One of the dishes from Napolese Artisanal Pizzeria will definitely make my Top Eats of 2017 year-end post.

Locally Sourced Napolese Artisanal Pizzeria in Downtown Indianapolis

In the kickin’ part of downtown Indianapolis lies an upscale pizza joint serving local farm-to-table ingredients that dress up our favorite comfort foods. This is Napolese Artisanal Pizzeria. Location: There are three Napolese Artisanal Pizzerias in [amazon_textlink asin=’076275673X’ text=’Indianapolis’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’theyums-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’5f1939f6-88e0-11e7-a9e6-c1f3d2f4c47b’]. All three serve dinner, but The Fashion Mall at Keystone (8702 Keystone Crossing)

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